Just wanted to post this before I forgot it! We just got home from Alstead Farm. We planned to pick blueberries, but the field was closed so we picked Raspberries instead. Which was fine, but kinda bored the kids. We only picked a few and then went on to see the animals. So like I said.... As life gets easier, it gets harder!
We went to the farm with an almost 2 year old that is full blown potty training! Savannah is doing great!! I still put her in a pull-up when we go out just incase, but no accidents so far. Anyhow, the farm has one of those big port-a-potty's with many stalls! You know... climb up 3 steps or so and with real pottys that flush. Anyway, no strollers would fit in there, so I had to take Ty out of the stroller, try to hold him and get Savannah situated. All Ty wanted to do was crawl around (GROSS) and Savannah did her thing. Then I had to find a way to wipe her, pull up her diaper, flush the toilet, and wash hands all while holding Tyler. By the time this was over I was in a full blown sweat. I was proud of Savannah for going on the potty and was glad it was all over! We then went to see the animals some more. Maddie then tells me she has to POOP. I was beginning to sweat again about having to go in there again. But how could I deny her bathroom use because I could not handle the other 2. SO we went back again, I told Maddie to go again by herself. Savannah then begins to scream POOP POOP POOP... ANNA POOP! So here I was again.... I could not deny the kid who is wanting to go on the potty!! Ugg.... So this time I made Maddie hold the outside door open to the bathroom so I could see her and Ty who was outside. This went a little better. No poop for Savannah, but was a great start! I was so freaking hot after this we b-lined to the car.
With Ty well on his way to walking, but not really! And Savannah beginning to potty train. This is all so exciting and will in the end make my life a ton easier, but in the middle really sucks. I was proud of myself for taking all 3 to the farm by myself, but it was definitely a challenge! And I tell myself.. THIS TOO SHALL PASS!
I think I broke a sweat just reading that.
Wow, two in the public potties is tough, I think everytime I will find Sylvia's hands down a toilet up to her elbows, fortunately she is short.
Three, you go girl! I wouldn't go it!
I really like the pictures with this post.
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