Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saw my dad last night.....

So I was at a wedding last night, Congrats to Chrissy and Jack McGuire, and there was a man there that looked like my dad. I am not kidding you, he was my dad! It freaked me out for a few seconds, text my sister to ask her if it would be weird if I asked this random man for a hug. She responded no, as long as you are not drunk and make a fool of yourself.

So, after a few hours of staring at him, I bumped into him at the bar and he approached me first to ask me if he knew me. So much like my dad he was trying to pick me up until I told him, NO he does not know know me, but I know him... I told him the story of my dad and showed him a picture of dad. He was a bit freaked out. So much that he had us show the picture to his WHOLE family! He was a nice guy and asked me a lot about dad. He was so much like him it was scary. And the only thing I could say about it was... IT WAS A GOD THING!

Love you and miss you DAD! See pics below!

1 comment:

JoAnn Heaton said...

Wow!!!! He does. I am so glad that you had that gift from God. Treasure each gift in your heart it helps in the Journey. God is awesome and so are his wonders if we see that they are from him. Each time we talk or I see you I see how God is making you and molding you in to a beautiful Godly woman. I am so blessed to travel the Journey to Eternity with you. Thank you for Blessing me with your family, especially the kids and allowing me to have the privledge of aknowledging them for me at Nieces and a Nephew, that I would never have had. He has blessed me with three older girls at church that we just adore too. Thank you for opening your home to us and Loving US. Love you.