Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This one is for you Uncle John...

I want to say THANK YOU to those that still follow my site even though I have neglected it for so long. Life is crazy over here. I am so tired come bed time I can not even think about this thing. I know you rely on this to keep connected to us when you are so far away. But I heard that Uncle John was worried about my marriage because we have not written in a while. Please know that we are doing GREAT! Right now as we speak the girls are at Amy's house playing and I am trying desperately to get Tyler to nap! It is not working. Yesterday he did not nap either and played hard outside all day. He crashed on the couch at 6pm and woke up at 4am. UGGG....So needless to say I am TIRED again and he wont nap. I am going to take him out in a minute so he will stop calling my name from his room! So this is exactly why I never blog anymore! Time is short... I will try to upload some pictures tonight and fill you in on some happenings in our lives in the past year! LOL! Again, thank you for continuing to follow!

1 comment:

my rebel took over said...

It's a good thing you posted. I was starting to worry about your marriage too.

Even though we only live 3 miles from you...we like to see what's going on the days we don't get to see you! Post! Post! Post!