Sunday, November 4, 2007

Moms don't get to "Fall Back"

Here is how I felt this morning when the girls woke up at 7:30 instead of 8:30. (ok, I know some of you are already rolling your eyes...yes, I have good sleepers) I was all excited that we were rolling back the clocks and we were going to gain one extra hour of sleep. So we all go to bed when we usually do, girls at 9, Jeff and I at 11 or so. But then the girls work up when they usually do and the clock said 7:30. I was a bit upset that they too did not roll back their clocks and gain and hour. This gain and hour crap is for those with out children. (and Dads...) So here I am, usually rushing to get ready for church and now I have some extra time to blog. Oh, how my life has changed. Anyone else feel this way this morning?


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! Sophia didn't get that "fall back" memo either!

Old Optonline account said...

Thankfully the girls didn't wake up a whole hour earlier today. They woke up at 7. We just dozed while they played in their room until we were ready to get up.