Saturday, October 4, 2008

Warning to ALL PARENTS!!!

Today was had a scary moment with Savannah. It really opened my eyes to the danger toddlers can face in a house that you think have totally childproofed!! Well, I was sitting in Tyler's room folding laundry and I heard Savannah in another room. I heard her so I was not really that concerned. Then I hear a "funny" cry. You know the kind that you just don't know what it means the first time you hear it. Then I heard it again, but it was a scared panicked and painful cry. I ran as fast as I could wondering where the hell she was. I found her in my bathroom with her head wedged in between the sink and she shower wall. Her feet were dangling so she was suspended in mid air hanging from her head/neck. She was so upset there that she vomited. I think she was only there for a few seconds, but it was enough to cause pain and worry! She climbed up on my garbage can, which I am throwing out, and slipped! Who would have thunk? I see so many places in my house now that that could happen again. This really bothers me! Savannah hurt her ear in the process. I was worried about it, but the swelling is going down! Her ear swelled so bad that it was much larger and stuck out of her head. Poor baby! See pictures below! And to all parents... look around you house for spaces that could pose this hazard. I can not stop thinking about how bad this could have really been. Needless to say we ran out tonight to buy child proofing stuff that we hope works, if not we will be buying new door knobs and locking them so she can not go in the bathrooms. The first picture is the bad ear, the second is the good ear!!


Anonymous said...

ooohhhh. So scary. Glad she is ok and you found her in time. She is a little devil.

Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! nikki, that is so scary! that poor little thing!! i'm glad all is ok!!

my rebel took over said...


Michelle said...

Yikes that's a scary story. I guess there's a lot for me to prepared for.

I think Savannah is looking more and more like you while Maddie is looking a lot more like Jeff.

Kelly Kristine said...

ewww...Glad she is OK--