Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am still here!

I am sorry I have been lacking on blogging lately. To say the least I just don't have that much time lately. I am trying to do too much in my life right now. There are not enough hours in a day. So let me catch you up on our doings!!

I am trying to make money. I am an ebaying fool (well, I need to post more stuff.) Ebaying really takes up a good amount of time to post and then you just sit and wait for the stuff to sell. It is fun, but post office runs are not that much fun with 3 kids. I am going to do more printing my postage online to avoid the post office. Then I am making Christmas cards to sell at Madison's preschool. They are doing a vendor night to raise money for the playground equipment they would like to install in the spring. So if anyone wants to support the school please come to the vendor night on November 14th from 6-9pm. I am doing this along with my sister in law, Amy. We are hoping this will generate repeat business for other events. I will post some of my samples soon! I am also approaching the Christmas season where I generally make gift baskets. I am contemplating this for this year. I really just do not know when I will find the time to do this without totally stressing out. All of this is done in the few free minutes I have daily while chasing around 3 kids!

Madison has grown up so much since school started! I am so proud of her! Although it took 3.5 years she now goes to bed at 8 pm and SO GOOD! No fights, no need for food in bed, no more procrastination. She really wants to have no more pull-ups at night, (like her cousins.) So when she woke up dry today she was so proud and asked to sleep in panties tonight. I am going to let her knowing I will be changing sheets in the middle of the night. She loves to play with her American Dolls. A dear friend of mine gave her her daughters AG stuff. And I mean a LOT of stuff. We are so lucky to have such great and generous friends. She is in hog heaven. Madison has started ballet and loves it. She is learning a lot and looks so cute. I do not think she will do this forever. She tells me she liked gymnastics better. And that is fine, we can do gymnastics again as soon as I find a better gym than the one she was going to!

Savannah is still a bit of a handful. She is a climber and of course she does these things when I am in the middle of feeding Tyler. All she does is follow and mock Maddie. It is really funny. She is a very funny kid and such a good girl. She goes with the flow! But I guess the middle has to be that way!

Tyler has pink eye. Poor little guy woke with only one working eye yesterday morning. She is dealing very well with it, but I feel bad for him. A few doses of medicine and he was looking great again. Today it is not crusty anymore, but pink a little. He is sleeping great. Only getting up once in the night. I hope that stays! He too goes with the flow!

I just have to add one more thing... I HATE DINNER TIME, LAUNDRY, AND DISHES!!! I told Jeff last night that those are the 3 things that totally stress me out. While I am cooking every night Savannah crys and Tyler needs to be fed. I am almost in tears most nights as Jeff walks in the door. The crying stresses me out! And cooking with 2 kids in my arms is impossible! I have always hated laundry.. and not I am doing laundry for 4 people (Jeff does his own.) My worse nightmare. I can wash it and dry it but putting it away takes so much time! Ugg. Then the dishes... and to know that is never ends! Ok, that was my gripe for right now.

And the 2.5 hours of preschool has already passed and I need to go get Madison! I hope to post some pics and video soon. But it took me a while to get this typed! We will see!

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