Thursday, December 27, 2007


We had a wonderful Christmas. We all got everything we wanted. The only think Madison wanted from Santa was "bones." These are the candies in the 25 cent machines outside of BabiesRUs and ToysRUs. And Santa pulled through. Among a million other gifts, some of her favorites were 3 new baby dolls, a new doll stroller, and a cash register. Savannah was showered with clothes and she (I) got a sit and stand stroller, which I LOVE!!! Jeff's top gifts were a GPS and a musical lights show for the xmas decorations for next year. I was so thrilled with a new LAPTOP... yes, I can now digital scrapbook on the road!!! : ) I also got a roomba (nothing better than a robot cleaning for you!), a digital camera, and a digital picture frame. As you can see we all made out well. Thank you to everyone that helped make our Christmas so special! Here are a few pictures from this special day! (If I can figure out how to load some video I will share...don't sit up waiting for it!)


Sandra said...

I was going to post something biting about the continuing lack of photos but since you came through I will be nice.

The new PJ's look cute, did Jeff get out of wearing his? I am itching to start a page myself as Gabriel has some really cute video. Here's hoping.

Nikki said...

No, I did not force Jeff to wear his PJ's but he did. He would not wear the shirt, but he did sport the pants.

Do a page for Gabriel! It really is tons of fun and such a nice way to share photos!

my rebel took over said...

Cute photos! I'm definitely disappointed that I can't see Jeff's matching pjs.

Sandra...definitely get addicted to blogging! I promise I'll help you set it up!!! I love reading everyone's day-to-day!