Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Just a Quick Maddie Story!

Today Madison's wheels were turning again. I let her have her scissors for a bit after school to cut paper. This she loves to do. Making confetti is about all she produces! Anyhow, I over heard her tell Savannah she wanted to make her a hair bow. Then, I heard something about a glue stick. I knew she did not have a glue stick, but it was a good idea to investigate anyway. I went into the room to find out she had used chapstick as a gluestick. She rubbed it all over the back of a piece of paper and stuck it to Savannah's head. I removed it too fast to take a picture, but it was kinda funny.

Then a few hours later I was sitting on the floor where I could see the coffee table surface at eye level. She had rubbed the chapstick all over the table top. I asked her why she did that and very matter of factly told me, "So her Barbie could ice skate." I have a hard time getting mad or punishing her when it really was a cleaver idea.

We have not really had any stories like that in a while so I thought I would share!


Sandra said...

That was a great story. Would have been better if she really used a glue stick on Savannah's head. How did you clean the coffee table.

Still waiting for video of the dog, still got her?

Shiv said...

Oh the things they come up with right? That's why these blogs are so great!

my rebel took over said...

So cute! You should stick the "bow" on her tomorrow and take a picture...no one will ever know! Oh, wait...this is a blog...