Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mission wear the kids out.....

Yesterday Madison was diagnosed with Strep Throat again. So she stayed home from school which often makes for a very long day. So while Maddie took a little nap I was out in the pool with Ty and Anna. Ty did not take a nap. Then we came in for dinner and I promised them Polar Cub if they ate well. When we arrived at PC the power was out! They were able to serve us icepops, but not icecream. So we bought Ty and spiderman icepop and Anna a spongebob and rode to Ritas. Then we were going to go to Solberg airport to watch planes. Before we reached Solberg Ty was out cold! Then minutes after we left Anna feel asleep too! I was so excited... 2 down, one to go! We got home and put everyone in their beds and Maddies nap messed my plan ALL up! She was awake in my bed until 11 pm. Oh well, we had fun!

1 comment:

my rebel took over said...

Love, love, LOVE the picture of Maddie and the sun!