Saturday, December 29, 2007
Savannah is pierced!

Friday, December 28, 2007
Always knew I was not a "city" chic
Today we went to NYC to see the tree, American Girl Store, Toys R Us, and FAO Schwarz. Well, let me say...what a disaster! We should have known when the traffic into the tunnel was crazy. So we finally get to a parking garage and I think we got one of the last spots. Trying to bundle the girls up was not that much fun when you are trying to gather your belongings as fast as you can to let the attendants take your car. Anyhow, we make it out to the tree waiting to find my parents who were also searching for a parking spot. We saw the tree and the ice rink from afar. There was close to a million people waiting to skate. They must all be on crack!! Ok, so we know that the tree is a major attraction, if we walk away from that madness we will be ok! WRONG! There was a line that wrapped around a city block to get into the American Girl store. If I was alone I would never have waited, but Madison really wanted to go there. So we waited and as soon as we got to the front of the line we found my parents. We made a mad dash to Bitty Baby, made our purchase and got the hell out of there. I could not believe what I was seeing. Then we got stuck in a mob scene of another million people (half of them where looking at Saks windows and the other trying to take pics of the tree.) I was so frustrated I wanted to go home after being there for 30 minutes. We decided to walk to FAO... and again another huge line to get in. I wanted Maddie to see it, but we were not buying anything so I said forget it. We will go back another time when it is warmed. I could not believe what I was seeing. This only confirmed that I will NEVER go to the city for New Years or a parade. I can not take the crowds. We will take Maddie back in the spring with out Savannah so we can ditch the stroller. Then to top it all off we left during rush hour and we had two hungry kids that wanted nothing to do with non-moving traffic. The ride home was long and not so much fun. Lets just say that today was not what I was expecting. (I did not even take one picture) :(
Thursday, December 27, 2007
We had a wonderful Christmas. We all got everything we wanted. The only think Madison wanted from Santa was "bones." These are the candies in the 25 cent machines outside of BabiesRUs and ToysRUs. And Santa pulled through. Among a million other gifts, some of her favorites were 3 new baby dolls, a new doll stroller, and a cash register. Savannah was showered with clothes and she (I) got a sit and stand stroller, which I LOVE!!! Jeff's top gifts were a GPS and a musical lights show for the xmas decorations for next year. I was so thrilled with a new LAPTOP... yes, I can now digital scrapbook on the road!!! : ) I also got a roomba (nothing better than a robot cleaning for you!), a digital camera, and a digital picture frame. As you can see we all made out well. Thank you to everyone that helped make our Christmas so special! Here are a few pictures from this special day! (If I can figure out how to load some video I will share...don't sit up waiting for it!)
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I'm back!
I am sorry for my lack of posts but I have been super busy. I just finished the last of my gift baskets a few minutes ago. There were many stresses with my baskets this year. Most of which where out of my control, but I still worried. I was very happy with what the final outcome of the baskets looked like.
Madison turned 3 on December 17th. We had small family party for her a few weeks before the 17th and then she played with her cousins on her actual birthday. Having a Christmas birthday is hard so we try to separate it from the holiday. Savannah turned 5 months old and I feel like a bad mother that I did not send out a picture yet. ( I will, I promise)
Christmas is almost here and I am more excited than Madison, I think. I can remember when my mom could not sleep on X-mas eve because she was so excited for the morning. I now know how she felt. Madison understands and it so excited for Santa (as long as he does not come in... just drop the presents down the chimney.) We will be putting out Chocolate Milk and cookies.
We are going to my sisters house on Christmas eve to see my dad. Then on Christmas morning we open gifts at home then go to my moms. Later in the day we will be going to the Young's for dinner. It will be a crazy day, but so much fun! We can not wait.
Madison turned 3 on December 17th. We had small family party for her a few weeks before the 17th and then she played with her cousins on her actual birthday. Having a Christmas birthday is hard so we try to separate it from the holiday. Savannah turned 5 months old and I feel like a bad mother that I did not send out a picture yet. ( I will, I promise)
Christmas is almost here and I am more excited than Madison, I think. I can remember when my mom could not sleep on X-mas eve because she was so excited for the morning. I now know how she felt. Madison understands and it so excited for Santa (as long as he does not come in... just drop the presents down the chimney.) We will be putting out Chocolate Milk and cookies.
We are going to my sisters house on Christmas eve to see my dad. Then on Christmas morning we open gifts at home then go to my moms. Later in the day we will be going to the Young's for dinner. It will be a crazy day, but so much fun! We can not wait.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Dashing Through the Holidays!
Why do holidays have to be so scheduled and hectic. Why don't we all get together more during the year so we don't feel like we need to see everyone we know right before the holidays? Although I am excited to see people I have not seen in a while and have a great time, it just is always so hectic.
I think I am writing this because I am starting to feel the gift basket pressures. I always get like this 2 weeks before the holiday. I am doing 120+ baskets this year and there were a few snags process. Which leaves be feeling pressure. I work on this a few hours every night. I am a stay at home mother and I feel guilty when I work. When I don't start to work until 9 PM, I am exhausted by 11.
Then to think about what I need to get done for this weekend on top of continuous basket work. Tonight I made a mad dash to fill 4 stockings for a party on Saturday night. Sunday morning we have church and another party right after. Sometime Sunday I need to make sure my house is in order and cupcakes are made for Maddie's birthday and playgroup in the morning. Then I am sure we will have some cake that night with what ever family wants to pop over. Ok, writing about this makes me more stressed. I know I work best under pressure and feel great when it is all over, but GEEZZZ... BREATH...
But there is some how still time to play. Tonight I took some fun pictures of Madison's eyes. I know a mother is bias, but I love Maddie's eyes. Especially when they are wet. Here are a few to share. Someday when I have more time I will scrap these and share the page. 

Sunday, December 9, 2007
I just wanted to send this out there. I know I have several readers that are not commenting. I get a ton of people who tell me that they read a post and had something positive or negative to say about it. I would really like to know who is reading, or am I only writing to Amy and Sandra?? You know who you are!! Don't be shy! I know you are out there... COMMENT. If you are anything like me, you think if you comment then it looks like you are snooping and reading my life. You feel like you are being nosey! Well, guess what... I would not be writing all of this if no one was reading. You are not being nosey, but being a part of our lives and stories. I need support!!! COMMENT AWAY!! (but, be nice..most of the time) And read the comments again, because I can comment to your comments!
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sisters are so special!
The girls tickled my heart today. Today was the first time I saw the girls interact with each other with out me in the middle of it. We were in the car and I was watching them in the mirror. Savannah was glaring at Maddie with an innocent smile, thinking "I love her." And Madison noticed she was looking at her. She began to smile back and talk to her. "Hello Pretty Girl" was the first thing she told her. They were locked into each other. It brought tears to my eyes to know that they will one day be the best of friends. For a while after Madison was born, I felt like I ruined her life by having another baby. I knew she would be OK, but life was different for her. And now that they are interacting I can see that we made the best decision for her.
I know Madison can not wait for Savannah to be big enough so she can play with her. Today she gave her a few of the blocks she was playing with. Then, she called me so I could see that Savannah was playing with blocks too. Too cute. And every day I am amazed at how much I can love something x2. They are the best things that ever happened to me, even when they are bad!
I know Madison can not wait for Savannah to be big enough so she can play with her. Today she gave her a few of the blocks she was playing with. Then, she called me so I could see that Savannah was playing with blocks too. Too cute. And every day I am amazed at how much I can love something x2. They are the best things that ever happened to me, even when they are bad!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Santa 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007
All Nighter!!
Last night I pulled an all nighter with my mom and sisters. And, no we were not drinking! Actually we were shopping. We went to Liberty Village at midnight. We actually thought we would be the only crazy ones out. But much our surprise we were among hundreds. There were lines to park and lines to get into stores. Some crazy people stood in lines in the freezing cold to shop in J.Crew. We were not among them. Anyhow, at about 3 AM we were done in Liberty Village. Off to the diner we went to waste an hour and fill up so we could be among the crazies at Kohls at 4am when then opened. I did not get home until almost 6 am. I knew I was in trouble, the girls would be awake in an hour! Ugg... somehow I survived it all and the hangover was not too bad. The shopping was great and I would do it again! It was also very nice to spend some time with my mom and sisters without the distraction of kids. Anyone else game for next year??
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Daddy Playing with the Girls
2007 Christmas Lists
Here are our 2007 Christmas lists. These have been posted on the other site, but we are moving over here... so I thought I should move this too! If you are someone that buys for us, if you would like, you can post an anonymous comment of what you bought and I will remove it from the list. So that doubles are not bought. As we think of new things or things are purchased, we will post and remove items. So check before you shop!
- winter crocs with fleece in them
- The Big Backyard Magazine subscription
- Paramont Gymnastics gift certificates ( I think they do them)
- Fisher Price Star Station Music cartridges( http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2678327&cp=&sr=1&f=Taxonomy%2FTRUS%2F2254197&origkw=star+station&kw=star+station&parentPage=search)
- games
- National Geographic Kids Magazine (ages 3-6)
- New clothes. Size 3T. She still loves dresses and does not have many for the winter.
- Boro Kid Zone Gift certificates.. or they have a pass that allows you to go 10 times.
- Clothes.... she would love to have some new stuff (9months)
- Gift certificate for portraits (place does not matter)
- Video Monitor http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2265802
- Sit and Stand Stroller
- Wustoff knives.. he is collecting them. He only has the slicer.
- Gift Certificates for clothes... Gap is always a good one
- Sketchers gift cards
- Stanley Steamer Gift Certificates
- Show tickets
- Digital Camera
- Double Griddle Pan (See Crate and Barrel)
- Laptop... All I want to do it surf internet and digi scrapbook! : )
- Nintendo DS and Brain Age Game
- Digital Scrapbooking magazine subscription (not sure what one yet..ask AMY)
- Digital Picture Frame
- Cuisinart Popcorn machine!! William Sonoma has it!
- Sketchers gift certificates
- Fleece lined crocs (pink size Large 10-11)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Moms don't get to "Fall Back"
Here is how I felt this morning when the girls woke up at 7:30 instead of 8:30. (ok, I know some of you are already rolling your eyes...yes, I have good sleepers) I was all excited that we were rolling back the clocks and we were going to gain one extra hour of sleep. So we all go to bed when we usually do, girls at 9, Jeff and I at 11 or so. But then the girls work up when they usually do and the clock said 7:30. I was a bit upset that they too did not roll back their clocks and gain and hour. This gain and hour crap is for those with out children. (and Dads...) So here I am, usually rushing to get ready for church and now I have some extra time to blog. Oh, how my life has changed. Anyone else feel this way this morning?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Mr. and Mrs. Breen...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Scrapping Again....

So I sit here watching Savannah in the video monitor. Thinking to myself... should I be taking advantage of this sleep time and join in, or scrap? So I scrap... hard decision. But when I am done I feel so guilty that I was not folding my mountain of laundry, dusting, or working on gift baskets. Oh well, here is what I just did!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Just in case you did not believe me....

For those of you who don't believe me when I tell you that Madison is quick to get into trouble. She is so creative with so many dangerous things! But, this time she "just wanted to brush her teeth!" She was just dying to use my tooth brush and tooth paste. WARNING TO ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE BABYSITTERS: SHE IS QUICK TO GET INTO TROUBLE. DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF OF HER!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Beginning to Feel Better
As many of you know I am working hard to loose all of my baby weight. I did not like the way I felt. With Madison I put on just about the same amount of weight, but I did not really care. When I lost my last 5 lbs (2 years later) I got pregnant again. I refuse to wait the 2 years again. So anyhow, with Weight Watchers they tell you to have a "goal" in mind and try to reach it. Although I have a long term weight goal I would love to reach, I try to set smaller goals. And today I reached one of these goals. I was able to put my wedding rings on again. This may seem silly to some of you, but meant so much to me. So I figured, OK.. one goal was met today, let me try the other. And that is to fit into a pair of Jeans I received for x-mas last year and was not able to wear then. I tried them on.. I got them up and buckled, but still not acceptable to wear outside of the house. I know I will get there and it just gives me incentive to continue on. I am just amazed at how putting my rings back on is making me begin to feel better!! Keep me in your prayers as I continue the weight loss. I know I will do it, it just takes time!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Savannah's Baptism
Preschool is on order!!
I just thought I would share our joys with you! Yesterday Madison FINALLY pooped on the potty. I know this is really not exciting for those of you that are not parents. But, let me tell you... pure joy for me! After she yelled her usual "I'm done and I did it!", she said, "now I can go to school." And she is right, I did tell her as soon as she was all potty trained she could go to school. I will wait a few weeks to see if this pooping on the potty idea is here to stay or was not just a fluke thing, then I will call to see if there are openings for her at school.
I took her to toys r us to pick out something to celebrate her accomplishments. I handed her the only $7.00 in my pocket and wouldn't you know the only thing she wanted was the bones candy for a quarter in the gumball machines. I really did try to get her to spend the money on something else that I know she likes like lipstick or little puppies. Nope... all she needed was a quarter. I was let off easy on this one. I love their simple minds and how money does not matter yet. I know that will change so I am enjoying it now.
I took her to toys r us to pick out something to celebrate her accomplishments. I handed her the only $7.00 in my pocket and wouldn't you know the only thing she wanted was the bones candy for a quarter in the gumball machines. I really did try to get her to spend the money on something else that I know she likes like lipstick or little puppies. Nope... all she needed was a quarter. I was let off easy on this one. I love their simple minds and how money does not matter yet. I know that will change so I am enjoying it now.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Bubbles Everywhere!!
So I thought I would share what Madison (and Cousins) have been up too. Today we went to Amy's house so the girls could all play together. Abby and Grace got a new play kitchen for their birthday's that Madison was dying to play with. So Amy trusts her girls playing upstairs alone (mind you the monitor was on.) All of a sudden I hear Grace crying..but not bad. Amy says, "Don't worry, that is her pretend cry." The cry started to change and I ran upstairs to find Grace with too many tears for such a little cry. Come to find out she had soap in her eyes. And you ask... how did she get soap in her eyes?? Yes, BLAME MADISON. I swear her wipes addiction has turned into a soap addiction. We then found Abby and Madison washing their hands with Kandoo soap in the play kitchen. Ok, so I was a little mad... we cleaned it all up and then let them play some more. About 20+ minutes later I heard sounds coming from the bathroom... again. This time I ran upstairs to find Madison on the toilet washing again... but this time with softsoap. A bit more bubbles. After I yelled at her... I looked into the bedroom to see the soap all over Abby and Grace again... all over the sink and toys.. all over the refigerator. UGGG... I was so mad at her. I know she started it.. she really has an addiction to washing her hands. And this is not because she is a clean freak...she just likes playing with soap. Lesson learned... hide all soap from Madison. But I can assure you.. that will not happen again! Oh wait, I forgot one detail. To wash them up this time required using the shower because they produced too many bubbles for the sink.
Amy, again I am sorry that my little devil has shown your girls something new to play with. And I hope they don't cause you more trouble in this area!! I guess we too learned not to let them be quite for more than 1 minute!!
Amy, again I am sorry that my little devil has shown your girls something new to play with. And I hope they don't cause you more trouble in this area!! I guess we too learned not to let them be quite for more than 1 minute!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's Slow Coming....

Ok, so as Amy knows, this Blog is frustrating me. So here is my first attempt to post something. The header is a whole other story and I am determined to figure it out. Please check back often to see if I am still going or gave up.
This picture is my first attempt at Digital Scrapbooking. I have to say this is becoming an addiciton. It does seem to be time consuming, but I know I am addicted when I have passed up the chance to nap while the girls are napping three days in a row so I could scrap. Well, I sit here and watch the clock. It is currently 11 pm and there is still toys to pick up and dishes to unload and reload. I guess I better put this obsession to the side so my house is not totally neglected!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Blame Amy for This!
To all of my fellow scrapbooking friends:
I am moving on to bigger and better (and more practical) things. Well, I am not really there yet!! Amy showed me a little bit about digital scrapping and I think I am going to make the move. I have not started Savannah's book at all on paper, so I think she will be my test dummy!! Now, I guess I just need to go buy the program. I was going to wait until Christmas, but I realized that Jeff owes me a birthday gift!! I think I might go get it today!! Wish me luck... then I will have to beg and plead for a laptop!!
I am moving on to bigger and better (and more practical) things. Well, I am not really there yet!! Amy showed me a little bit about digital scrapping and I think I am going to make the move. I have not started Savannah's book at all on paper, so I think she will be my test dummy!! Now, I guess I just need to go buy the program. I was going to wait until Christmas, but I realized that Jeff owes me a birthday gift!! I think I might go get it today!! Wish me luck... then I will have to beg and plead for a laptop!!
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